• Speak with the hirudotherapist about possible contraindications.
  • If you wish, you can inform your GP about the treatment.
  • In some cases a blood test/Doppler test is required prior to the treatment.
  • Ensure that therapist is aware of any medications you are currently taking.
  • It is recommended to not take any physical activities for at least 1-2 days after therapy.
  • The procedure could take up to 2 hours.



Do not use fragrant soaps, perfumes, deodorants or creams for 1 day before the procedure.

It is recommended to have a relaxing bath before the treatment to keep your body warm and help the leeches to attach quicker.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before the procedure; drinking strong coffee and tea is not recommended.

Please discontinue antidepressants, sedatives and sleeping pills for 2 days before the procedure.

WARNING! Any withdrawal of medication should be discussed with your GP.